DLOG_506_Quit? Are you sure?.txt Bounds: x1=106, y1=60, x2=378, y2=263 ProcID: 0 Visible: true GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 506 Title: '' DLOG_505_Window with ON1XK's picture.txt Bounds: x1=48, y1=22, x2=444, y2=321 ProcID: 3 Visible: true GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 505 Title: '' DLOG_504_Window with my photograph.txt Bounds: x1=120, y1=24, x2=389, y2=323 ProcID: 3 Visible: true GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 504 Title: '' DLOG_503_Ask for HELP file.txt Bounds: x1=82, y1=35, x2=430, y2=65 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 503 Title: 'New Dialog' DLOG_502_Help Text.txt Bounds: x1=90, y1=40, x2=422, y2=280 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 502 Title: 'New Dialog' DLOG_501_Help Topics.txt Bounds: x1=15, y1=40, x2=497, y2=178 ProcID: 1 Visible: true GoAway: true RefCon: 0 ItemsID: 501 Title: 'New Dialog'